About technology

JSC “Atameken-Agro" factories use innovative and traditional technologies.
The Atameken-Agro Korneevka factory was opened in 2020 and operates according to the author's technology of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor L.V. Fadeev (Ukraine). The essence of the technology lies in gentle factional processing and isolation of the so-called strong seeds. “Strong seeds” are distinguished by their uniformity, the absence of microtrauma and other indicators leading to the ability to form uniform seedlings and high yields.
The plant based on the farm “Atameken-Agro Timiryazevo” has been operating since 2008 using traditional technology and produces seeds with guaranteed high quality indicators: purity of at least 99.9%, germination of at least 95%. Such indicators can be achieved by constantly updated equipment, in particular the Austrian technologies of the CIMBRIA brand.
All seeds produced by JSC “Atameken-Agro" have certificates of conformity, and are also certified. Our products are guaranteed to give a pronounced increase in yield among customers.
JSC “Atameken-Agro" factories use innovative and traditional technologies.
The Atameken-Agro Korneevka factory was opened in 2020 and operates according to the author's technology of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor L.V. Fadeev (Ukraine). The essence of the technology lies in gentle factional processing and isolation of the so-called strong seeds. “Strong seeds” are distinguished by their uniformity, the absence of microtrauma and other indicators leading to the ability to form uniform seedlings and high yields.
Завод “Атамекен-Агро Тимирязево” работает по традиционной технологии на австрийском оборудовании и производит семена с гарантированно высокими показателями качества: чистота не менее 99,9%, всхожесть не менее 95%.
All seeds produced by JSC “Atameken-Agro" have certificates of conformity, and are also certified. Our products are guaranteed to give a pronounced increase in yield among customers.