
Variety: Northern.
Crop: Flax.
Reproduction: Elite / 1 reproduction.
Type of variety: Early ripening.
Yield: 12-25 quintal per hectare.
State register: 13 region.
Features of development: Early ripening variety, seed oil content — 47.0–48.0%, iodine number of oil — 183 units. It is suitable for mechanized cultivation. Designed to produce high-quality technical oil and short fiber.It has a high resistance to shedding and lodging. Due to its early maturity and high plasticity, it can be cultivated from the steppe zone to the subtaiga zone. Early maturity is combined in it with good productivity, high oil content of seeds.
Growing season: 80-104 days.
Seeding rate: 5-7 million/ha.
Weight of 1000 grains: 7-9 g.
Disease resistance: Highly resistant to fusarium.